Auxiliary Information Technology (AIT), recently developed and deployed an application that makes use of Go.IU web services API. This blog post is based on a brief discussion with Ranji Abraham, one of the key players, along with developer Jon Ireland, and Q/A specialist Kirk Ebelhar. Web Tech Services wishes to recognize the efforts of AIT team and the valuable feedback provided as part of this process.
Please tell us a little bit about the application your team has developed that uses Go.IU web services API.
Ranji: Service Manager (SM), an in-house developed app that catalogs systems (vendor and in-house) managed by Auxiliary Information Technology (AIT). With Phase 1 of the of the rewrite of SM completed, we took advantage of the Go.IU web services to generate short URL’s for each system. Additionally, SM provides departmental staff Go.IU usage stats for each system as a dashboard service. Our goal for Phase 2 of SM is to deploy this application in the Microsoft Azure cloud.
What were some reasons that made you decide on Go.IU?
Ranji: As part of the rewrite, we evaluated the use of goo.gl to generate short URL’s for our applications. Marketing departmental services with long URL’s in traditional media (radio ads, bus ads, print media) and especially social media (Twitter, Facebook, Digital Signage etc.), is impractical. Go.IU offers departments the advantages of short URL’s along with the powerful brand that is IU.
Jon Ireland (left) and
Kirk Ebelhar (right)
How was your experience through the development phase of your application?
Ranji: Working with Web Tech Services has truly been a collaborative effort. Go.IU Team has been open to our ideas and suggestions for Go.IU web services; that has allowed SM to seamlessly create and maintain short URL’s.
When did your application go live?
Ranji: SM was live effective 5/11/2011.
In closing, thanks to the efforts of Jon Ireland (AIT developer), Kirk Ebelhar (AIT Q/A) and UITS Web Tech Services for the successful completion of Service Manager.